Worried About Data Overage on Your Cell Phone? Here’s How to Keep it in Check.
Does somebody on your cell phone plan use a lot of data? Are you worried that you’re going to go over your limit and be charged additionally for it? Cell phones are very addicting, and if you aren’t constantly connecting to WiFi, or if you don’t have a high enough data plan, you may need to keep constant tabs on where you are at on your data usage.
Here are 4 ways to keep your data limits in check:
Log in to your online account
You can see all sorts of information when you log in to your online account, including call logs, minutes/texts used, and the amount of data you have used. You can display data for all lines, or specific lines.
In order to log in to your Nuvera Wireless account and click My Account at the top of the screen. You will log in with your username and password that you chose when you set up your account with TechTrends Wireless.
Your online account shows the data used for that billing cycle in kilobytes (KB), so in order to figure out the number of Gigabytes (GB) you have left, you have to divide the KB number by 1,024 to get megabytes (MB), and then by 1,024 again to get GB.
Device Level Alerts
When you subscribe with Nuvera Wireless, you are automatically subscribed to Device Level Alerts when your account reaches 80% of usage. You will receive a free text stating that you have reached 80% of your plan, and at this point, you can choose to raise your monthly data plan to the next highest GB through the end of the month, or you can try connecting your phone to Wi-Fi as much as possible because when connected to Wi-Fi you are not using cellular data.
Reset the data from your iPhone at the beginning of each month
This is a good option for iPhone users if you A.) Are the only person on your plan, or B.) The person who uses the most data on a family plan.
In order to reset your data go to Settings and click Cellular. Here you can see how much cellular data you have used for the current period, and to reset it, you simply scroll to the way bottom of the screen and select Reset Statistics. In order for accurate records, you will have to reset your data at the beginning of each monthly bill cycle, which is the 7th day of the month for Nuvera Wireless.
Unlimited Data
Say goodbye to data worries! Nuvera Wireless offers unlimited talk, text, and data plans.